Osmoz Citrus Gin
This is a French gin, distilled from grapes.
Tasting notes from Ginned!: On the nose, note the subtle aromas of liquorice root, apple and apricot. On the palate, the freshness of juniper is bolstered by citrus notes, joined by a chorus of fruit and fresh herbal notes. The long finish is fresh and spicy, with notes of clove and saffron.
Leann says: Very light, fruity but not overwhelming. Makes a great summer drink with the recommended basil and strawberry garnish. Definitely one of the top gins we have received.
Matt: It has alcohol in it, I'm pretty excited about that. There's a little fruit and some other stuff. I don't know. (He did like it though).
Double Dutch Cucumber and Watermelon Premium Mixer
The cucumber flavor comes across first, and is strong but not overwhelming. There is an underlying sweetness of the watermelon, and it does complement the gin very nicely. I would seek this out and try other Double Dutch flavors.
St Germain Elderflower Liqueur
This has a light, sweet, and smooth flavor. It was good in the gin and tonic. I'm looking forward to trying it with another gin as well.
Green & Black's Praline Milk Chocolates
Very nice, creamy milk chocolate with a whole hazelnut inside. We had to put these in the fridge because of our heat wave (80°+ with no air conditioning). I prefer this brand's dark chocolate, but this was a nice treat (and a full sized container).
Real Hand Cooked Strong Cheese & Onion Flavour Potato Crisps
These are crunchy, kettle style crisps. The mature cheese and onion flavor is strong, but not overpowering. Tasty and tangy, they do complement the gin. Some of the other flavors sound interesting as well.
Flower & White Chocolate Meringue Bar
I guess what's attractive about this is that it has less than 100 calories. It was not good at all. It has a strange after taste, almost plastic like. The kids ate it.
Overall, this was a fantastic month, and we really enjoyed almost everything. As long as there's no more window cleaner, I think I'll be excited for next month.
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