You might think that we would all sleep in after our 24 hour travel time, but you'd be wrong. We were all up before 7am, but the kids didn't seem tired or cranky at all. Matt and I started drinking coffee so we could try to stay awake throughout the day.
The kids were excited to see their cousin James (who arrived at a more reasonable time of morning, being used to the time zone). There was much chatter and playtime, and it was mostly in the basement, so the adults could catch up as well.
I was really feeling the jet lag at this time, and tried to rest on the couch a bit (however I could not fall asleep for anything). I wanted to be slightly rested to see our friends/old neighbors who had driven nearly 300 miles just to see us.
Here's the backstory. When we lived in Colorado, our backyard had a gate into the neighbor's yard. The Rs moved in, and our kids were basically the same ages (older boy and younger girl). We became good friends, the kids were best friends, and we hung out and went to parks a lot. We were both expecting our third child when the Rs moved away, about a year before we came to the UK. We've kept in touch, and were super excited to see them all again. I was a little worried that the kids might take some time to get used to each other, but everyone jumped in to play like we'd all seen each other yesterday. 💓💓💓
Matt and I had brought two bottles of gin from North Yorkshire to share with our Stateside friends and family, and my parents had another bottle waiting for us when we arrived. So the adults had drinks and good conversation while the kids kept busy.
Then all too soon, it was time for the Rs to go. I didn't get pictures of all of us, but we did remember to get a group shot of the kids. It only took three adults about 40 shots to get a nice photo.
After this, I dragged Lesa to get quick manicures. It turned out not to be as quick as we'd hoped, so by the time we got back Matt had already grabbed Chinese food for us. And it was amazing.
By this time, everyone had left the house besides my parents and the five of us. I was more than ready for bed after a long day, so we all pretty much passed right out. And although I felt like a zombie most of my waking hours, it was a pretty great day.
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