27 March, 2017

Mother's Day

Mother's Day was yesterday here. Coincidentally, it was also the day we moved our clocks forward (which is bunk, in my opinion).

The kids took part in a Mother's Day assembly at school on Friday, which was adorable. They sang songs and presented little gifts they had made.

I received this decorative tile from Lily.

Butterflies, a tree, and sky

Miles made this lovely card.

During the assembly, Lily's class held up pictures they'd painted. We had supplied a photo of my face, and that's what she based it on. Here I am.

I was quite impressed!

Miles' class also painted pictures. Their theme was "My mum is good at..."  I have to admit, I was a little worried about what his answer may be. Yelling? Some household chore? No, I'm good at building Lego models. He's a sweet boy.

Check out the triangle hair
I absolutely love these types of homemade gifts. We didn't really do anything else to celebrate. I was unwell and on the couch the whole weekend, plus we'll just celebrate Mother's Day when the US does it. Matt has already made a reservation for dinner on that day in May. We normally don't go out on big holidays like that because it's so crowded, so I'm excited to be able to do it this year.

Happy UK Mother's Day!

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