27 September, 2018

Back to School, and More Visitors

Once my parents left, we had a few weeks to get back into our routine before school started. Miles and Lily kept busy with a few summer clubs, while I tried to catch up on laundry and get things ready for our last round of summer visitors.

The first day of school finally arrived, and the kids were so excited to go back.

Our friends arrived the following day.

Miles and Maillee met when they were 2 in a pre-preschool program in Colorado. They became fast friends, and when they "graduated," Maillee's mom and I became friends as we got the kids together for playdates. One of the hardest parts of our move for Miles was to leave his best friend, so he was thrilled to learn that she was coming to the UK.

Maillee and family (Jessica and Marc) stayed nearby in our area for two nights, then we all went to Edinburgh for a long weekend. We briefly met up the first night so the kids could see each other, and they had a great time playing.

The second day, Maillee was invited to visit Miles at school. She arrived after lunch, and was able to go to lessons, and meet and play with Miles' classmates. I thought it was great that the school suggested this, and everyone had a fun day.

That evening, we hired a babysitter so the adults could have dinner together. We went to an English tapas-type place, which was great, and then had a drink after.

It was really nice to get out and catch up. We didn't stay out too late though, since we had to catch a train the next morning. And then we were off on our last weekend getaway of the summer.

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