16 September, 2016

Driving Test

I had to take a written driving test yesterday, or I can't legally drive starting next week. I read through the Highway Code, and although there's a lot of common sense stuff in there, there's also a lot that differs from the US. This test was hard, man. There were several questions that I hadn't remembered seeing mentioned in the book at all, so I guessed. And I guessed well, because I passed (yay).
There were about 6 of us taking the test at the time. We waited outside for our results, all talking about how we were certain we had failed. Matt was there too, since Clara couldn't take the test with me. When they called me in to tell me my score, he told the others that they'd be able to tell my results from how I came out of the room. If I looked all mopey, then I had failed. If I had passed, I'd try (and fail) to keep a straight face so others wouldn't feel bad.
And he was wrong, because I was just too excited. I jumped out of that room and yelled, "I passed!"


  1. How did the car shopping turn out ? Congratulations on passing your test and finding a place to live. It relieves me as I know it does you guys.

  2. The car shopping went well. It took us hours to decide, but we picked one and Matt will go get it on Tuesday. It's not my minivan, but it'll be good for around here.

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